Preschool Curriculum Overview
Throughout the year, students will be exposed to the Bible through auditory readings of stories, singing Bible songs, and reciting various verses. A few of the various stories we explore are:
Creation & Adam and Eve
Noah’s Ark
Abraham & Sarah
Joseph & His Colorful Coat
The Christmas Story & the Birth of Jesus
The Death and Resurrection of Jesus
Students will also learn the Lord’s Prayer and other foundational teachings of Jesus’ ministry.
We utilize Haggerty Phonemic Awareness (Pre-K) and Fundations (Pre-K) for our curriculum. Students will learn foundational concepts such as:
Alphabet sounds & letters
Story sequencing
Ask and answer question skills
Following simple step directions
Engaging in conversation using appropriate vocabulary
Journal Writing
Students will learn various mathematical concepts throughout the year such as:
Ordinal numbers
Number recognition
Number sense
One to One correspondence
More or less than equations
Measurement and weight
2D & 3D shape
Students will engage with the following concepts throughout the year:
Geographical locations (States, landmarks and buildings)
Cultural customs and holidays (historical connections to current holidays such as Thanksgiving and Columbus Day)
Community activities and jobs
Students will engage with the following concepts throughout the year:
The scientific method
Climate & weather
Matter & how things change
Living & non-living organisms
Flotation of objects
Force & motion
Students will learn the following:
Investigate color, shape, line and textures
Use of different materials and media
Learn about notable artists
Creative expression through movement and dance
Recognition of sounds
Basic instruments
Students will learn and develop various motor skills such as:
Gross Motor Skills
Hand-eye coordination
Fine Motor Skills
Pencil gripping
Utilizing and controlling writing tools
Tracing & writing letters & numbers
Utilizing & controlling scissors & cutting