
Our Purpose

St. Paul believes that as part of God’s wonderful creation each of His children have been given gifts and talents in abundance. The purpose of education is to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and discipline to use those gifts both here in time and later in eternity. As good stewards of the gifts we have been given, it is our responsibility to develop them to their fullest.

Our Vision

Our vision is achieved as God’s Law and Gospel permeates the development of the total student through a balanced, well-planned program of instructional and enrichment activities. Students will become life-long learners, problem-solvers, and effective communicators who are equipped with collaborative working skills and Christian values.

Our Curriculum Philosophy

The curriculum at St. Paul Lutheran School has been designed and implemented to encourage high standards and be meaningful, articulated, coherent, and aligned.

Curriculum Overviews



Elementary (1st-5th)

Junior High (6th-8th)