Elementary Curriculum Overview
First Grade Curriculum Overview
We utilize Enduring Faith Bible curriculum provided by Concordia Publishing House. Throughout the year we will explore 8 key concepts.
God Creates the World and Calls a Nation
God Leads His Nation
God Raises Up Leaders
God Exiles & Restores His People
Jesus Comes for Us
Jesus Teaches & Heals
Jesus Saves the world
Jesus Sends the Church
Students will recite a memory verse weekly throughout the duration of the school year.
Students will focus on one story every week throughout the school year. They will focus on comprehension of the story, predicting the potential outcome of events, and conflict resolution.
Students will be quizzed at the end of each week on their comprehension of the story.
Reading stations are a core exercise utilized. Students will be able to meet one on one with the teacher to focus on word work and reading aloud.
We utilize the D’Nealian writing system. Students will learn lowercase letters, numbers and capital letters throughout the year.
Handwriting is practiced 3 times each week.
We utilize Sadlier math for our curriculum. Students will explore and learn:
Addition facts & strategies within 10
Subtraction facts & strategies within 10
Addition & subtraction relationships
Place value to 100 & 120
Addition & subtractions facts within 20
Data and graphical displays
Addition & subtraction with 2 digit numbers
We utilize Firstie Science for our curriculum. Students will explore:
Life science
Earth science
Physical science
Simple machines
Five Senses
We utilize Social Studies Alive! curriculum. Students will focus on concepts that revolve around their immediate environment, their school and their family. Topics that will be explored:
Rules in school and how to properly interact with each other
Importance of learning from each other
Social and civil duty
History of school
Family traditions
Needs & wants of a family
Social & societal groups
We utillize Fundations® and Haggerty for our phonics curriculum.
Word Families
Consonant Blends
Consonant/Vowel Blends
Review of letters and sounds
Digraphs, glued sounds, r-controlled vowels
Trick words
Second Grade Curriculum Overview
We utilize Enduring Faith Bible curriculum provided by Concordia Publishing House. Throughout the year we will explore 8 key concepts.
God Creates the World & Calls a Nation
God Leads His Nation
God Raises Up Leaders
God Exiles & Restores His People
Jesus Comes for Us
Jesus Teaches & Heals
Jesus Saves the world
Jesus Sends the Church
Concepts and biblical stories are explored through various learning elements including crafts, videos and interactive activities.
We utilize Fundations® Phonics. Students will learn consonant blends & digraphs, sounding out & spelling words, and patterns.
Sentence Structure
commands, questions and exclamations
capital letters and punctuation
nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, contractions, conjunctions, past tense verbs, and common & proper nouns
The second half of the school year is focused on writing in the forms of letter writing, opinion writing, and poems.
We utilize Sadlier mathematics. The year will consist of learning the following:
Addition & Subtraction Within 20
Place value to 100 & 1000
Two-Digit Addition & Subtraction
Three Digit Addition & Subtraction
Foundations for Multiplication
Money & Time
Graphs & Data
Geometry (shapes)
Equal Shares
The topics and concepts covered within our science curriculum are:
Properties of Matter
Life Cycles of Plants & Animals
Habitats & Earth Systems
Weather & Space
The topics covered within our social studies curriculum are:
Communities & Maps
History of Holiday’s
Goods, Services, Producers & Consumers
Governments & Systems
The concepts and topics covered within our reading curriculum are:
Concepts of Reading
Sequence of events, main ideas, cause & effects, comprehension strategies, retelling stories, similes, story review, and event & response
Additional Concepts of Reading
Vocabulary words and word meanings, fluency of reading, reading aloud & following along
Genre of Stories
Fantasy VS realistic, fiction VS non-fiction, and informational stories
Third Grade Curriculum Overview
We utilize Enduring Faith for our religion curriculum. Students will explore the following throughout the year:
Old Testament
God Creates the World and Calls a Nation
God Leads His Nation
God Raise up Leaders
God Exiles and Restores His People
New Testament
Jesus Comes for Us
Jesus Teaches and Heals
Jesus Saves the World
Jesus Sends the Church
Students will have Bible verse memory quizzes twice a week.
We utilize Sadlier math for our curriculum. Students will learn the following throughout the year:
Number Sense
Addition and Subtraction with 1000
Multiplication and division concepts and facts
Fraction concepts, comparison and equivalence
Measurement of time, length, volume, and mass
Using data with graphs
Geometry of two dimensional shapes and finding area
Students will utilize guided reading along with the Daily 5 format to learn and practice reading each day.
Student reading levels are assessed twice a year using the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System.
Students meet with the teacher in small instructional groups for reading exercises. They will also participate in independent reading, reading to a partner, and listening to reading.
We also allow students to access technology to boost their reading abilities. Students use the Epic app to read, and listen to reading.
Students complete one book report each quarter of the school year.
We utilize Pearson: Interactive Science for our curriculum. Students will learn about:
Technology and design
Living things
Earth and weather
Earth and our universe
Forces and motion
We utilize Social Studies Alive! for our curriculum. Students will explore the following:
Being a good citizen
Cultures around the world
Government in the United states
We utilize Fundations: Level 3 for phonics. Students will learn the following
sounds of consonants and
sounds of vowels
syllable types
Students also use the Fundations lessons for spelling. The spelling list will coordinate with the phonics lesson of the week.
We use Not So Wimpy Kid Grammar for our curriculum. Students will learn the following throughout the year:
Parts of Speech
possessive nouns
They will also learn about subjects & predicates, simple & compound sentences, and usage & mechanics of writing.
Fourth Grade Curriculum Overview
We utilize Enduring Faith Bible curriculum provided by Concordia Publishing House. Throughout the year we will explore 8 key concepts.
God Creates the World & Calls a Nation
God Leads His Nation
God Raises Up Leaders
God Exiles & Restores His People
Jesus Comes for Us
Jesus Teaches & Heals
Jesus Saves the world
Jesus Sends the Church
Students will also have a weekly bible verse memorization assignment.
Students will read and analyze various novels throughout the year. A few of the novels we read include:
Because of Winn-Dixie
The War with Grandpa
The One and Only Ivan
The Wild Robot
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
Mr. Popper’s Penguins
The Lemonade War
Students will complete one book report every quarter.
We utilitze Sadlier mathematics. The year will consist of learning the following:
Multiplication Concepts - One digit & two digit numbers
Division Concepts - One digit numbers
Factors & Multiples
Fraction Concepts
Fractions - Addition & Subtraction, Multiply by whole numbers, and Fractions & Decimals
Measurements & Data
Lines & Angles
We utilize Pearson for our science curriculum. Students will explore the following throughout the year:
The Nature of Science
Exploring safety during labs and the different tools scientists use
Technology and Design
Interactive Lab - The study of STEM
Plants and Animals
Interactive Lab: Owl Pellet Dissection
Interactive Lab: Creating our own ecosystems
Earth’s Resources
Interactive Labs: Weathering & Erosion and Earth’s Moving Plates
Earth and Space
STEM Lab: Creating Solar Ovens
Interactive Lab: Measurement of Matter in Mass & Volume and Phases of Matter
Energy and Heat
Interactive Lab: Light and Sound Energy
Electricity and Magnetism
Interactive Lab: Creating Circuits
Interactive Lab: Creating speed and force
Embryonic Experiment – The Lifecycle of a Chick
We utilize Social Studies Alive! curriculum. Students will explore the following throughout the year:
Discovering the social sciences
The regions, geography and people of the United States
The agriculture of the United States
The history and geography of our state
Researching the economy & government of our state
We utilize the Harcourt Language curriculum. Students will learn the following concepts throughout the year:
Pronouns, Adjectives, and Adverbs
Phrases & Clauses
Usage & Mechanics
We utilize Zaner-Bloser Spelling Connections curriculum and the online program, Power Spelling, as an additional component.
Students will take weekly spelling tests on Thursdays.
P.E. will be on Monday, Thursday and Friday afternoons.
Stretching and movement
Team sports & teamwork
Fifth Grade Curriculum Overview
We utilize Enduring Faith Bible curriculum provided by Concordia Publishing House. Throughout the year we will explore 8 key concepts.
God Creates the World & Calls a Nation
God Leads His Nation
God Raises Up Leaders
God Exiles & Restores His People
Jesus Comes for Us
Jesus Teaches & Heals
Jesus Saves the world
Jesus Sends the Church
Students will also have a weekly bible verse memorization assignment.
We utilize Sadlier math curriculum. Students will engage with the following concepts throughout the year:
Place value, addition, subtraction and decimals
Number theory and fractions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
Decimals (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
Graphs & Data
We utilize Social Studies Alive! curriculum for our students. The topics covered throughout the year include:
The geography of the United States
Native Americans
First settlements & colonies
Declaration of Independnce & American Revolution
The Constitution
Civil War Era
Industrial and Modern Revolutions
We also keep up to date with current worldwide news by watching CNN10, a 10 minute news show curated for students.
We utilize Pearson science curriculum. Students will engage and study topics such as:
Science, Engineering & Technology
Scientific inquiry & design
Life Science
Ecosystems, growth, and survival
Earth Science
Weather & the water cycle, earth’s surface, and space
Physical Science
Properties of matter, forces and motion, forms of energy
We utilize Not So Wimpy Teacher for our grammar and writing curriculum. Students will engage with four sections:
Nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, and subject-verb-agreement
Titles of Works, synonyms/antonyms, homophones, roots/affixes, dictionary skills, correcting sentences, adages/idioms/proverbs
Complex, Compound, and Run-on sentences, introductory elements, subordinating/correlative conjunctions, and punctuation in a series
Verb tenses, expanding/combining sentences, context clues, direct and indirect objects
Students will have the opportunity to engage in their own writing throughout the year by crafting personal narrative, narrative, opinion, and informational pieces.
Personal journal prompts are practiced often throughout the year.
We utilize Zaner-Bloser spelling curriculum.
Pretests are held each Monday. Tests are on Thursdays.
P.E. will be on Monday, Thursday and Friday afternoons.
Stretching and movement
Team sports & teamwork